Friday, February 22, 2013

Crunch Time

In light of our upcoming exam, the blog post this week will feature 3 short answer exam questions and answers.

1. Why is studying ecosystems ecology important?

Studying ecosystems ecology allows us to better understand the world around us, adapt to changes and anticipate adversity. In understanding the pieces, patterns and processes in ecosystems, we can become better stewards by figuring out our role in the environment.

2. What are the benefits and drawbacks of modeling?

Although modeling allows us to look at different possibilities for the future and determine which scenarios are most likely, there are a lot of variables that aren't accounted for and can't be foreseen no matter how many trials are run. Modeling past events as a predictor of the future works most of, but not all of the time. On the other hand, modeling helps us to consider and list the important facets of an issue that we might not otherwise factor in.

3. Why is decomposition critical to continuation of an ecosystem?

Decomposition allows for nutrient cycling to occur; so nutrients can continuously be broken down and taken back up again by plants and animals in the area. Nutrients facilitate energy production, and without energy an ecosystem doesn't exist.

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