Monday, April 29, 2013

Final Model

In finally coming to terms with my project; here's the plan.

Although I still am waiting for data (which probably won't come), I have completed my model and paper assuming that what I predict will be true. This means I assumed that distance to tree plantings has a large influence on oyster bed populations. At this point, I feel pretty good about my paper. It's written in its entirety, and just needs some final tweaking before I call it quits. About ten pages long, it goes in depth with background on the Chesapeake Bay, specifics with Dinamica, and avenues of future research on this subject.

The bad thing is I'm not sure if I follow all of the guidelines. The sections outlined by Prof G on her Storify site don't completely match up with what I wrote. I read the guidelines originally, thought for a long time about what I wanted to write, then came back and wrote each of the sections. I sometimes find that thinking about something without looking at it or pushing it is often when I find my best ideas. That way, all I have left to do is just finding the time to sit down and physically write out my ideas coherently. Anyway, looking back at what should be in each section and rereading what I wrote; the two things don't exactly match up. Thus, that will be this evenings activity: reorganizing and rewriting parts of my paper, essentially editing. With that said, I do feel as though the assignment is somewhat loose, and that I satisfy all of the requirements. Hopefully all of this effort is worth it!

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