Thursday, April 25, 2013

That final model

My final project took a 180 degree turn. I have completely changed topics: from jellyfish population movements and climate change to analyzing the effects of riparian tree plantings on oyster bed populations within the Chesapeake Bay.

I could find little to no free data on jellyfish populations which was the deciding factor. Now I'm hopefully working with data from the Maryland iMap website. I say hopefully because the data isn't for certain yet. While I can easily view the data and maps in ArcCatalog; I can't get the files converted over into ArcMap or a shapefile to be used in Dinamica EGO. I sent an email to the head lady in charge, Erin Silva, who has all of the datasets. Unfortunately, she's out of the office until Monday, April 29th, so I won't hear back from her until then. Assuming she gives me the data without any problems, I will be processing the data in my model on Monday or Tuesday.

In the meantime, I will formulate my model in Dinamica and write the backbone of my final paper. That way, the last thing I will have to do with the data is just input the maps in the model and run the model. I should be able to take snap shots and include these in my paper and will type in specifics to the results/discussion/conclusion sections. I'm hoping that this leads to a full, final project.

Fingers crossed that it all works out!

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